
I do NOT like farewells...

The play has ended and we are not rehearsing any more...yet. We hope you enjoyed as much as we did! See you next time and... thanks for watching!!! PD: Quiero agradecer al grupo su apoyo para que pudiera desarrollar este proyecto de blog para ir redactando nuestro momento a momento de la mejor forma que se me ha ocurrido. Muchísimas gracias a Helena por haberme ayudado con los posibles fallos gramaticales que pudiera tener y a todos aquellos (especialmente a Paula Cervera y Maria José Luque) que han contribuido enviándome fotos y vídeos sobre los ensayos. Creo que el vídeo final representa a la perfección aquello en lo que nos hemos convertido finalmente: un verdadero grupo. ¡Hasta la próxima entrada! Fdo: Juan José Valencia Fernández

We DID it!

Finally, we performed the play the 6th of June and...everything was perfect! Our teacher told us that we did it really good and she was very pleased with us. The sooner we get the video of our play, the sooner you will have a look to it! Hope you liked this blog!

Last video!


Oh, oh! Last day of rehearsing and...we found some unexpecting troubles! We were using some pieces of furniture that we thought that they belonged to the Theatre but...some people have taken them away today and we don't have some of them! We will try to fix this problem: we are experts in trouble solving!  Moreover, some of our actors have some voice-problems, but tomorrow they will be OK, you will see! Trust on us!

More and more videos!

Take a look to more videos! We hope you like them!


Nobody was born with the ability of rehearsing...Take a look to some outtakes and...let's laugh!

Taking advantage of the University!

Do we have spare time at the University? We don't have time for breaks! Let's fill it with some rehearsals! We are using our final lessons in Teatro en Lengua Inglesa I to rehearse and discuss about the play. Here you can see some photos of the group rehearsing at the University. Both a great and interesting experience!