
Mostrando entradas de mayo 7, 2017

On stage...for the first time!

We all knew that rehearsals were closer and closer...and there they were! We were anxious to be on stage, practising and rehearsing. We had been working on an adaptation of the original play, and the first we did was an "official" lecture. However...we failed: 50 minutes! And if we added time for closing the curtain, changing scenes...we better did not think about that! Too much work, revising, readapting...but also the first laughs and a good atmosphere! Here, there are some photos about this first time on stage (reading and rehearsing). Time seems too short when you are having a good time at work! We couldn't wait to meet again for the next rehearsals!

Who are we?

Here, you can check our names and the role that we develop  into the play! People may think that a play is only what they see on stage, but there is too much work behind the curtain! Yaren Cantekin as Mitch Paula Cervera as Blanche Helena Dubocquet as Stage Manager and Director assistant Paula Fernández as Director Rocío Fernández as Stella María José Luque as Eunice Liuruye He (aka Penélope) as Steve, Doctor and Stage Manager assistant Juan José Valencia as Stanley However, we are not professional actors. Then, our work is to work effectively as a team!  It doesn't matter if you have never performed, or if it is the first time you are dealing with a theatre experience: everybody has a chance to contribute in some way. So, do you still think actors only act, and the director just gives orders? We hope this blog can help to change your mind. Do you want to see more? Stay in tuned and you will!

What is this?

We are a group of students who are studying at the Universidad de Sevilla. We have created this blog to upload content related to the subject of Teatro en Lengua Inglesa I. In this space, you can find not only media content (videos or photos, for instance) but also personal comments or little interviews. Hope you enjoy!